When we started A Slice of Brooklyn Bus Tours back in 2005, our goal was to provide the truest experience possible and to show folks from around the country, and around the world, all the amazing things that Brooklyn has to offer. Thanks to all of your wonderful reviews, we’ve managed to receive Tripadvisor’s Certificate of Excellence year after year.
As we enter our 14th year doing tours, Tripadvisor has informed us that we’ve been awarded their Hall of Fame award which is given out to companies that have received the Certificate of Excellence for five consecutive years. Naturally we realize that we never would have gotten here without folks like you who have taken our tours over the years and left amazing reviews of your experiences on Tripadvisor. And for that, we thank you!!!
Bringing so much joy to your precious vacation time in New York City is why we do what we do, and reviews like this let us know that we’re doing something right.

So thank you again and we hope to see you on the bus soon!