4 Reasons to Take a Bus Tour of Brooklyn

We don’t want to toot our own horn, but there’s a reason that we’ve been the leader of guided bus tours of Brooklyn since 2005! If you’ve been on one of our tours then you know what sets us apart from the others. If you haven’t been a tour yet, please know that nobody covers […]
Year in Pictures: Memories from A Slice of Brooklyn Bus Tours 2018

Thank you to all of you who came on a tour this year, played with us on social media and recommended our tours to your friends! Here’s a bit of what 2018 looked like. Can’t wait to see you all in 2019! Thank you all for an incredible year!
You Know You’re From Brooklyn When…

You know that the pastries at Villabate Alba, in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, are the best you’ll get outside of Italy. You’ve hung out on a stoop, not a porch. Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevenpisano/21671263251 You know what real bagels are. You can fall asleep on the subway and never miss your stop. You know how to […]
What Celebrities Have to Say About Brooklyn

Brooklyn is one of the most incredible places in the world and it’s no wonder why. From the people, food and movie locations it’s no surprise that celebrities of all types have had something to say about it. Take a look! “People from Brooklyn grow up with a certain common sense. If it doesn’t ring true, […]
10 Signs You’re From Brooklyn

You call Manhattan “the city”. Opening a fire hydrant is a summer tradition. You know that Brooklyn pizza is real pizza. You’re an adult and don’t have a driver’s license and if you do, the horn is the most used part of your car. You know what a luncheonette is. You’re still mad that the […]
6 Unique Facts About Brooklyn

Need some ammo for trivia night? Want to be the envy of all your friends with your knowledge of Brooklyn? Then read on for some unique facts, and cool photos, of the greatest place on Earth. The Manhattan Bridge almost had another name The Manhattan Bridge was the third bridge to be built across the […]
6 Brooklyn Facts They Never Taught You in School

Do you love Brooklyn and want to show off your knowledge about the greatest place in the world? Our tours are the best place to start. You’ll learn about Brooklyn food, movie locations, and history as well as see some of the most beautiful locations in New York. If you want to take your knowledge a little […]
8 Unique Things You Might Not Know About Brooklyn

You already know Brooklyn is the greatest city in the world! We have the best people, the best food, the best neighborhoods and the best bridges. Now here are some things you might not know about the borough of Kings! The Cyclone The Cyclone Roller Coaster opened in Coney Island on June 26, 1927. If […]
7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Manhattan Bridge

The Manhattan Bridge is one of three gorgeous bridges that connect Manhattan to Brooklyn. Specifically it connects Canal Street in the Chinatown section of Manhattan to the downtown section of Brooklyn, but there’s so much more that you may not know. The official color of Manhattan is “Manhattan Bridge Blue” named for the color of […]
6 Cool Things Invented in Brooklyn

So many cool things were invented in Brooklyn, and when we say cool we mean it literally: air conditioning was invented in Brooklyn! Last week we looked at all the delicious foods invented in Brooklyn, so now let’s take a peek at what other amazing things hail from here. 1. Teddy Bears Did you know Teddy […]