10 Delicious Facts About Chocolate

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but we’re willing to bet it’s chocolate! There’s no denying that we all love chocolate so let’s honor one of the world’s greatest gifts to mankind with some of the quirkiest, curious and unique stories about chocolate throughout history. Would you give up your password for a chocolate […]
Celebrate Mother’s Day With These Famous Moms From Brooklyn

If there’s one thing Brooklynites love, it’s their mothers. And there’s nothing like a Brooklyn mom! The following women prove our point: Barbra Streisand Barbra is probably one of Brooklyn’s most famous children. Then she went and married another famous Brooklynite, Elliot Gould who’s from Bensonhurst, making a dynamic duo. The two had a child named Jason […]
10 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know About Pizza

Pizza is the most loved food in the country. Well, that might not be 100% true but according to us it is! Last time we posted 13 Fun Facts About Pizza and told you about the first pizza delivery and how spies used pizza to investigate a case. Now here are some more awesome, interesting and delicious […]
6 Cool Things Invented in Brooklyn

So many cool things were invented in Brooklyn, and when we say cool we mean it literally: air conditioning was invented in Brooklyn! Last week we looked at all the delicious foods invented in Brooklyn, so now let’s take a peek at what other amazing things hail from here. 1. Teddy Bears Did you know Teddy […]
7 Iconic Foods Invented in Brooklyn

Have you ever been to a fair and ordered a deep-fried Twinkie, or put Sweet’N Low in your coffee or gulped down a delicious egg cream? If so, you probably praised the heavens for inventing something so delicious. Well, it’s not the heavens that deserve praise – it’s Brooklyn! Tootsie Rolls were invented in Brooklyn. The […]
The Beauty of Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn

Green-Wood Cemetery was built during the rural cemetery movement which took place in the early 1800s as a way of creating park-like cemeteries. It’s older than Prospect Park or Central Park. Its landscape, hills, ornate crypts and tombstones will make your jaw drop. Green-Wood opened on April 18, 1838 and was a hub of tourism. Over half a […]
Historic Photos of Prospect Park in Brooklyn

Prospect Park in Brooklyn celebrates its 150th birthday this year! The gorgeous 585 acres opened in 1867. The park was created to be an urban retreat and is the perfect blend of man made structures and nature. Designers Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, the same team who designed Central Park in Manhattan, were commissioned to […]
Memories of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn

Ebbets Field was the home of the Brooklyn Dodgers from 1913 to 1957. It was named after Charles Ebbets who started out as a ticket taker for the team and eventually became its owner. Ebbets began purchasing land in 1905, 1,200 parcels in total, before having enough land to construct a ballpark in 1912 that […]
Photos of Brooklyn Celebrities When They Were Young

Here are a few awesome photos of Brooklyn-born celebrities when they were kids. Some are recognizable and some aren’t, but either way get ready to say, “Awwwww”. Do you recognize these Brooklyn celebrities when they were kids? Barbra Streisand Babs once said, “I’m so proud to have been born in Brooklyn”. She went to Jewish Orthodox Yeshiva, Public […]
Who’s Excited for Spring in Brooklyn?

After a long Winter there’s nothing like seeing those first signs of Spring. And with the weather we’ve been having lately, we thought it would be nice to take a peek at what we have to look forward to! Like Robin Williams said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’” This is how we party in […]