5 More Unique Facts About the Verrazano Bridge

The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, or simply the Verrazano, is a breathtaking site. And she has a unique history. From being the longest suspension bridge in the country to starring in movies, the bridge that connects Brooklyn to Staten Island is one of NYC’s treasures. The toll to cross the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge was only 50 cents. A lot […]
Unique Stories About The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in Bay Ridge

Can you believe we’ve been spelling Verrazzano wrong the whole time? Well, kinda. The bridge was named for explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano who discovered New York Harbor in 1524. Some say the incorrect spelling was a typo. Others say one “z” is the American version of his name. A Brooklyn student petitioned to have the name […]